Category: Agile Mind


Collection of Agile-related Resources

Below is a collection of resources that I have found very useful while on my agile/lean journey. I now share these, or snippets, with organizations, teams, or individuals (e.g. Product Owners, Scrum Masters, Developers, etc…) that I coach. Please drop a comment if you have some other resources that have...


Servant Leadership Video

I recently attended a Boy Scout leadership program called Wood Badge. If you are in scouts and volunteer or plan to, I highly recommend this course. Parts of it were transformative for me. At the course they showed a video on Servant Leadership that really moved me and I thought it...

Here we go!!

Finally gonna get this blog thing off the ground! A little about me, I work for Excella Consulting and work on site as a ScrumMaster at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. This blog will hopefully serve you in adopting an agile mindset. What makes me tick? My vision is to...