Finding Joe (You), The Hero’s Journey

Answer your call to adventure. Realize your potential. Follow your Bliss! These are the words of Joesph Campbell. The meaning behind these words is expressed fully in the movie, Finding Joe. I can’t thank my buddy, Ben, enough for sharing this movie with me a couple of years ago, it really moved me at the time. I have watched it a couple more times since and it still moves me.

It is amazing how many of the great stories of the past have three common elements that make up the Hero’s Journey. They are separation, initiation and return. We endure many of these journey’s in our lifetime.

Watching the movie is the best way to experience it.

Check out the trailer below. I would be surprised if you aren’t moved. You can watch the whole movie here.

Full disclosure: I don’t make a cent off any movie rentals or purchases.
