Mostly Agile-related Memes
Here is a nice collection of Agile-related memes and comic strips that you may just find hit a little too close to home. And probably a little funny. Enjoy.
Helping individuals, teams, and organizations frequently deliver high quality products their customers love!
Here is a nice collection of Agile-related memes and comic strips that you may just find hit a little too close to home. And probably a little funny. Enjoy.
If you are looking to help team members better understand the beliefs and perspectives of others, than look no further than running the Constellation exercise. This can be used to kick off meetings, for team launches, for team reboots, for retrospectives and many other situations. It has the power to...
Whether you are just forming a new team, looking to form new bonds with an existing team, or get to know some friends a bit better at a party. An exercise called, “Tribes,” is a very simple way for people to connect and get to know each other. This works...
Brighten up your Monday with some more Agile-related memes. I tried to attribute credit where possible. Credit: @ThePracticalDev Credit: @cobraKaiAgile Credit: @ThePracticalDev Credit: @iamdeveloper Credit: @nixCraftCredit: @ThePracticalDev More meme can be found here: Collection of Agile-related memes
It is amazing to think that the Agile approach to developing products has been around in various forms for many years. Some would say the mindset can be found in the Scientific Method that Francis Bacon developed in the 1620’s. Agile has taken root as the defacto mindset to have...
I recently came across the Headspace app for meditation and found their analogies on meditation to be very good. Below are the videos in the rough order they are delivered when you go through the introduction to meditation. They are just over a minute each but very good at explaining...
In the spirit of the holidays but with a slight twist, I bring you the 12 days of dysfunctional Scrum. 🙂 Happy Holidays to all and have a Happy New Year! Stay safe! Be sure to play the music while reading. If you are rushed for time, I provided a summary...
Time and time again I see teams struggling with getting backlog items completed inside of their Sprint/Iteration (Scrum duration of time where the Development Team develops a portion of a product to be demonstrated, usually 2 weeks or less). Typically the business folks feel they have clearly defined a backlog...
Having facilitated many retrospectives over the years, there is common format (excuse the image pun, “4” mat) that I have found helpful regardless of the technique (check out my Favorite Retrospective Techniques post) used. The format used is based primarily from what I learned at The Agile Facilitator course by the...
Below are a collection of retrospective techniques that I have found very useful over the years. There are many more that I have also used but these are the ones I lean on heavily. I think it is very important to vary the format of any retrospective if you are...