Category: Agile Mind


Coaching Agile Teams Workshop in DC this May

Excella Consulting is honored to announce a partnership with the Agile Coaching Institute (ACI) to bring their “Coaching Agile Teams” workshop back to the DC/Metro area. We will be hosting the workshop from May 13th to 15th in Excella’s newly expanded training area. Everyone that we know that has attended...


Music to Help You Focus … Daniel-San

In the immortal words of Mr. Miyagi, “You stay focused. Daniel-san, you best karate still inside you. Now time let out!” Let that sit for a minute. Many of us don’t have Mr. Miyagi (Karate Kid) to help us focus, so I have an alternative, music. A certain type that is....


Collection of Agile-related Memes

Here is a collection of Agile-related memes that I have collected over the years. The first two I recently made up. Enjoy. The next one below was on reddit the other day. I just tweaked it a little. Next round posted. More Agile-related Memes What are some of your favorite agile-related memes? Post...


You Might Have an Agile Mindset When …

… you have a sprint planning meeting with your kids on Friday to prioritize what we need to do and want to do on the weekend … your kids once got upset and said, “Dad, we didn’t get to do our highest priority item this weekend!” … your wife moves the...


12 days of Agile transformation

In the spirit of the holidays, here is an Agile transformation themed 12 days of Christmas. Happy Holidays to all and have a Happy New Year! Stay safe! Be sure to play the music while reading. On the first day of Agile transformation my coach sent to me: A product to...


Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail

I recently read a great article in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) called “Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail.” It walks through 8 steps (see below) that lead to transforming and then the 8 most common errors that halt change in its tracks. John Kotter, the author, provides some great...


Ux (User Experience) 101 at Excella

The company I work for, Excella Consulting, is an amazing place to work. If you are in the DC area and want to work on some great projects with a great group of people, look them up. One of the great things about the company is that they regularly hold workshops...


The Ideal Spotify Culture and Their Journey So Far

I love Spotify’s motto/mindset, “Think It. Build It. Ship It. Tweak It.” I know testing is part of “Build It”, but I like to add “Test It” sometimes to amplify the importance testing has to shipping quality products. But I digress. The two videos linked below are produced by Henrik...


Don’t Forget About the Inner Circle

I love Uncle Bob for many reasons. He added one more when I watched his speech at the recent 2014 Mile High Conference. His talk was called, “The Future of Agile if any.” What I took away is that we can’t forget about the inner circle to truly be agile....