Tagged: Agile


A Brief History of Agile: A Mindset for Product Development

It is amazing to think that the Agile approach to developing products has been around in various forms for many years. Some would say the mindset can be found in the Scientific Method that Francis Bacon developed in the 1620’s. Agile has taken root as the defacto mindset to have...


Writing User Stories, It’s About the Conversation

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness …” so starts the classic “A Tale of Two Cities” story by Charles Dickens. I get excited every time I read that opening because I know...


12 More Days of Agile Transformation

In the spirit of the holidays, here is another Agile transformation themed 12 days of Christmas. Happy Holidays to all and have a Happy New Year! Stay safe! Be sure to play the music while reading. If you are rushed for time, just scroll to the bottom of the post and...


Start with the End in Mind – Envisioning Workshop

Grounding a team to understand why they are embarking on the development of a product at the individual, team, company and possibly world level is extremely powerful. As Daniel Pink (@DanielPink) points out in his book, “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” having a strong purpose is one...


And the Agile-related Memes Keep Coming

I swear I am going to post something more than just memes all the time. I need to prioritize blogging higher but I digress. Enjoy the next round. Time for a little animation. How it Feels to Watch User Test Product First Time   Deploy Looks Fine on My End  ...


Per Aspera Ad Astra – Agile 2015 Review

After a couple of weeks of much needed vacation, I am finally getting around to capturing my experience at Agile 2015! In a few words it was motivational, energetic, and I felt at home (my tribe). I am still riding my Agile <Insert Year> High and not looking forward to what...


A Few More Agile-related Memes

One cannot get enough Agile-related Memes, at least in my opinion. Below are a few more that I have found entertaining. Here are some other meme posts: Collection of Agile-related Memes More Agile-related Memes If you have some other great Agile-related Memes, please post them in the comments.


One SHU Not HA RI, These Things!

Have you been on a team or in an organization that adopts a new methodology or framework of getting work done and then stops using parts of it almost immediately? Or they don’t implement parts of the framework because that won’t work for them? All to often I have seen this...


Getting to DONE! by Jeff Sutherland

Last night, Jeff Sutherland (@jeffsutherland) from Scrum, Inc., stopped by the local DC Scrum User Group (@DCSUG) and talked to us about Getting to DONE! It was a great talk highlighting the major factors that impact a teams ability to deliver working software every sprint. The six primary factors are Poor definition of...