Mostly Agile-related Memes
Here is a nice collection of Agile-related memes and comic strips that you may just find hit a little too close to home. And probably a little funny. Enjoy.
Helping individuals, teams, and organizations frequently deliver high quality products their customers love!
Here is a nice collection of Agile-related memes and comic strips that you may just find hit a little too close to home. And probably a little funny. Enjoy.
In the spirit of the holidays but with a slight twist, I bring you the 12 days of dysfunctional Scrum. 🙂 Happy Holidays to all and have a Happy New Year! Stay safe! Be sure to play the music while reading. If you are rushed for time, I provided a summary...
I swear I am going to post something more than just memes all the time. I need to prioritize blogging higher but I digress. Enjoy the next round. Time for a little animation. How it Feels to Watch User Test Product First Time  Deploy Looks Fine on My End  ...
… you have a sprint planning meeting with your kids on Friday to prioritize what we need to do and want to do on the weekend … your kids once got upset and said, “Dad, we didn’t get to do our highest priority item this weekend!” … your wife moves the...