Tagged: transformation


12 More Days of Agile Transformation

In the spirit of the holidays, here is another Agile transformation themed 12 days of Christmas. Happy Holidays to all and have a Happy New Year! Stay safe! Be sure to play the music while reading. If you are rushed for time, just scroll to the bottom of the post and...


Per Aspera Ad Astra – Agile 2015 Review

After a couple of weeks of much needed vacation, I am finally getting around to capturing my experience at Agile 2015! In a few words it was motivational, energetic, and I felt at home (my tribe). I am still riding my Agile <Insert Year> High and not looking forward to what...


Harnessing the Power of the Brain for Change: A Case Study in Culture Change

I recently attended a great webinar, “Harnessing the Power of the Brain for Change: A Case Study in Culture Change” put on by the Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP). The speakers were Andrea Barrett, Ed Richardson and Mark Bagin. Below are some of the notes that jumped out at me. Andrea...


Coaching Agile Teams Workshop in DC this May

Excella Consulting is honored to announce a partnership with the Agile Coaching Institute (ACI) to bring their “Coaching Agile Teams” workshop back to the DC/Metro area. We will be hosting the workshop from May 13th to 15th in Excella’s newly expanded training area. Everyone that we know that has attended...


Influencer: The Power to Change Anything

Do you struggle with motivating and influencing yourself to change? Do you struggle with motivating and influencing family members (e.g. son, daughter, wife, husband) to try alternatives to the way they currently operate? Do you struggle influencing at the community level (e.g. neighbors, government, etc…)? Many of us do and...


Finding Joe (You), The Hero’s Journey

Answer your call to adventure. Realize your potential. Follow your Bliss! These are the words of Joesph Campbell. The meaning behind these words is expressed fully in the movie, Finding Joe. I can’t thank my buddy, Ben, enough for sharing this movie with me a couple of years ago, it really moved...


12 days of Agile transformation

In the spirit of the holidays, here is an Agile transformation themed 12 days of Christmas. Happy Holidays to all and have a Happy New Year! Stay safe! Be sure to play the music while reading. On the first day of Agile transformation my coach sent to me: A product to...


Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail

I recently read a great article in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) called “Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail.” It walks through 8 steps (see below) that lead to transforming and then the 8 most common errors that halt change in its tracks. John Kotter, the author, provides some great...


The Ideal Spotify Culture and Their Journey So Far

I love Spotify’s motto/mindset, “Think It. Build It. Ship It. Tweak It.” I know testing is part of “Build It”, but I like to add “Test It” sometimes to amplify the importance testing has to shipping quality products. But I digress. The two videos linked below are produced by Henrik...